Online Help



Default Server
The specified server will be used to connect to when opening the application. This removes the need for specifying the server to auto connect to on the command line. That option is still available should you need it. NOTE: specifying a server on the command line will override this setting.

Connect to default server on startup
If selected, the specified server will be auto connected when the application starts.

Check for update on startup
If selected, ActivMan will automatically check to see if there is an update.

Installation Type
If your domain is spread across multiple sites and each site has it's own OU then select 'Single domain across multiple sites'. See Configure for multiple sites for more information on configuring other options. In most cases where you have single domain on a single site then you will need to select 'Single domain in a single site'.

Missing IDs
When performing the 'Get Missing IDs' feature ActivMan will attempt to match existing user accounts using the option you have selected here.

User ID Field Name
ActivMan needs to link the Active Directory user accounts with the users that are extracted from your MIS. By default ActivMan will store the MIS user ID (either UPN or admission number for students or staff ID for staff) in the Active Directory user account field specified here. By default the field is "employeeID".

Student User ID Field Source
You can specify which source to populate the user ID field specified above. The options are either UPN or admission number. By default the option is UPN.

Match Old Accounts By
When ActivMan searches Active Directory to update existing accounts or check whether an existing already exists it will use this option to search for the accounts. So, 'Account Name' will search for the account name first then verify it is the correct account by checking the "User ID Field". If 'User ID' is selected then ActivMan will search using the "User ID Field" only.

Empty Start Date Action
This option is used when an exported account is encountered that has an empty start date, so ActivMan is unable to automatically determine whether this account needs creating or treating as left.

Empty ID Action
This option is used when an exported account is encountered that has an empty start ID. When matching old accounts with IDs this can result in duplicate accounts being created. This situation can happen when students arrive without having a UPN.


Teaching Groups

When teaching groups are creating during the import process they will be created as specified here. If you select 'Security and Distribution Groups' then two groups will be created but will have "_SG" and "_DG" appended to their name, respectively.

Here you can specify the format of the name of any new teaching groups created. You MUST incldue "<name>" somewhere in the field (without quotes). This will get replaced with the generated group name.

Email Address
This option is used to specify the format of the email address of teaching groups created. For example, "[GROUPACCOUNTNAME]". If you do not wish to specify an email address for teaching groups created then leave this option blank.

Year Groups

Create Year Groups
Selecting this option will create an AD group for all years that you import. So, for example, if you import any year 9 students then a group will be created named "Year 9" and the students added to it.

Server and OU
If ActivMan needs to create a new year group, as it does not already exist, then you must specify where the new groups will be created. So select a server and and OU accordingly.

Type and Scope
For all year groups that ActivMan needs to create you will need to specify the type and scope of these groups.

Search for Year Groups
If year groups might not be located in the specified OU then tick this option to search all of your AD for the year group. Any group found matching the same name will be used.

For all year groups that ActivMan needs to create you will need to specify the format of the name of the group. For built-in groups (years 1 - 14) you will need to specify the format of the name. By default this is "Year %d", where %d will be replaced with the year number. For any custom groups entered these will be used as-is.

Email Address
This option is used to specify the format of the email address of year groups created. For example, "[GROUPACCOUNTNAME]". If you do not wish to specify an email address for year groups created then leave this option blank.

Registration Groups

Create Registration Groups
Selecting this option will create an AD group for all registration groups that you import. So, for example, when you import students then a group will be created named the same as their registration group, and the student added to it.
NOTE: Only registration groups present in the extracted student's will be used.

Server and OU
If ActivMan needs to create a new registration group, as it does not already exist, then you must specify where the new groups will be created. So select a server and and OU accordingly.

Type and Scope
For all registration groups that ActivMan needs to create you will need to specify the type and scope of these groups.

Search for Registration Groups
If registration groups might not be located in the specified OU then tick this option to search all of your AD for the group. Any group found matching the same name will be used.

Here you can specify the format of the name of any new registration groups created. You MUST incldue "<name>" somewhere in the field (without quotes). This will get replaced with the generated group name.

Email Address
This option is used to specify the format of the email address of registration groups created. For example, "[GROUPACCOUNTNAME]". If you do not wish to specify an email address for registration groups created then leave this option blank.

Registration Groups

Create Registration Groups
Selecting this option will create an AD group for all registration groups that you import. So, for example, when you import students then a group will be created named the same as their registration group, and the student added to it.
NOTE: Only registration groups present in the extracted student's will be used.

Server and OU
If ActivMan needs to create a new registration group, as it does not already exist, then you must specify where the new groups will be created. So select a server and and OU accordingly.

Type and Scope
For all registration groups that ActivMan needs to create you will need to specify the type and scope of these groups.

Search for Registration Groups
If registration groups might not be located in the specified OU then tick this option to search all of your AD for the group. Any group found matching the same name will be used.

Here you can specify the format of the name of any new registration groups created. You MUST incldue "<name>" somewhere in the field (without quotes). This will get replaced with the generated group name.

Email Address
This option is used to specify the format of the email address of registration groups created. For example, "[GROUPACCOUNTNAME]". If you do not wish to specify an email address for registration groups created then leave this option blank.

Teachers of Student Groups

Note: Also referred to as "SDL" (Student Distribution List)

Create Teachers of Student Groups
Selecting this option will create an AD group for each student that you import. So, when you import a student a new group will be created named using the format specified with all the teachers that teach that student a member of.

If ActivMan needs to create a new group, as it does not already exist, then you must specify where the new groups will be created. So select an OU accordingly.

For all 'teachers of student' groups that ActivMan needs to create you will need to specify the scope of these groups. The type of these groups will always be "Distribution".

Search for Teachers of Student Groups
If these groups might not be located in the specified OU then tick this option to search all of your AD for the group. Any group found matching the same name will be used.

Here you can specify the format of the name of any new 'teachers of student' groups created. You may include tags. These will get replaced when generating the group name.
The default name format is "SDL [DISPLAYNAME]"

Email Address
This option is used to specify the format of the email address of SDL groups created. For example, "[GROUPACCOUNTNAME]". If you do not wish to specify an email address for SDL groups created then leave this option blank.

Delete Users

Create recycle bin
If selected, an OU is created to resemble the Recycle Bin. This OU is created in the root of the AD structure (as defined in the server connection).

Move deleted users to recycle bin
If selected, when users are deleted they are moved to the recycle bin OU instead of being deleted.

Disable deleted users in recycle bin
If selected, when users are deleted and moved to the recycle bin OU they are also disabled.


Delete 'left' users
If selected, any users detected as being 'left' are deleted.

Disable 'left' users
If selected, any users detected as being 'left' are disabled.

Move 'left' users
If selected, any users detected as being 'left' are moved to the specified OU.

Remove user from member groups
When selected, when a user account has been disabled or moved the user will be removed from all groups it is a member of, excluding it's default group, e.g. 'Domain Users'.

Unique Suffix Number Length
Set this to the length of the unique number that gets suffixed to usernames. By default this value is 1. If the length of the number to be suffixed is less than the length specified here then number will be padded out with zeros to match the length specified. For example, if this value is 2 and the first number to be suffixed is '1' then "01" will be suffixed to the username.


In this section you can enter any custom year groups you may have in your MIS. When entering please only enter one per line and enter them exactly as shown in your MIS. Do not include spaces or tabs as the match will not work. This match is also case-sensitive.

Registration Groups
In this section you can enter any custom registration groups you may have in your MIS. When entering please only enter one per line and enter them exactly as shown in your MIS. Do not include spaces or tabs as the match will not work. This match is also case-sensitive.

Apply Template

Match accounts by
When applying a template to existing users ActivMan needs to know how whether to match by 'ID' or 'Display Name'. Selecting 'ID' allows you to change the display name of the accounts to what is specified in the template.

Reset Password
When applying a template to existing accounts you may not want to reset the password. Select which option you require.

Create Home Directory
Select whether you would like to create the home directory or not.

Create Share
Select whether you would like to create the share or not.

Update Display Name
Select whether you would like to update the display name of the user accounts.

Update Username
Select whether you would like to update the username of the user accounts.


In this section you must enter all of the MIS systems you would like to support with this installation. Only the MIS systems entered here will appear in other areas of the product. You must also have the supporting DLL for the MIS you have entered.

Enter a name in the 'Name' column, e.g. "SIMS". Browse to the location of the DLL for the MIS you have entered. The name entered is only used to inform you which MIS is which. Therefore you can enter anything that is meaningful to you.


In this section you can enter any number of words which will be used if you have any templates with the 'random word' option. When entering please only enter one per line, and do not include any spaces, tabs, or commas.

Load Default
Clicking this button will load the default list of 100 words, overwriting the current list.

Ignore IDs

In this section you can enter any number of IDs which will be ignored during import operations. When entering please only enter one per line.

Ignore OUs

In this section you can specify any number of OUs which will be checked during import operations. If the import option of 'Move existing accounts' is enabled then any existing accounts residing in these specified OUs will not get moved.


This is the name of the company who owns the product key. This is requried for the product key to be valid. Please enter this value before entering the product key.

Product Key
This is the product key you received when purchasing the software. To change/set the product key simply click '...' button and enter the new product key. By default the product key is empty and you will be requried to enter a valid one. Please enter the company name before the product key.

This is the date when the software will expire. Prior to the software expiring you will need to purchase a new product key.