Online Help

Creating a new server connection

  1. Select 'New' on the 'File' menu, and select 'Connection'
  2. Enter the name of the server (with no slashes)
  3. Enter the root where you would like to view from, e.g. 'dc=mydomain,dc=local'
  4. Enter a username and password to access this domain. It is advisable to enter the username in the format of "administrator@mydomain.local". You can enter the username using the full path but this has been known to cause authentication issues with Active Directory. For example, "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local".
  5. Select the connection type you wish to use when connecting to the domain.
  6. If you are running a single domain across multiple sites then you will need to specify which OU belongs to which site. Select the 'Sites' tab.
  7. Select the OU that belongs to "this" site by clicking the '...' button.
  8. Now enter a name and select an OU for each site within the domain. The OU entered needs to be the highest point of the tree for that site.
  9. Click 'OK' when finished

AD Root

The Active Directory Root MUST be the full qualified name, i.e. 'dc=mydomain,dc=local' or 'cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=local'.