Online Help


From v2.0 Tags have been implemented to give more flexibility in specifying options in templates

The following tags are available for use:

Tag Description
[ADMISSIONSNO,length] Enters admissions number in the field. The value will be truncated from the left to length, i.e. "001234" with a length of 4 would result in "1234". Schools only.
[CHOSENNAME] Enters chosen name in the field. The chosen name could be "Chris" if their legal name is "Christopher".
[CHOSENNAME,characters] Enters chosen name in the field upto characters long.
[DISPLAYNAME] Enters the display name in the field
[DOA] Enters the DOA (date of arrival) in the field
[DOA,dateformat] Enters the DOA (date of arrival) in the field using the format specified. The format uses standard date formatting, e.g. yyyy = year, MM = double digit year, dd = double digit day.
[DOB] Enters the DOB in the field
[DOB,dateformat] Enters the DOB in the field using the format specified. The format uses standard date formatting, e.g. yyyy = year, MM = double digit year, dd = double digit day.
[DOL] Enters the DOL (date of leaving) in the field
[DOL,dateformat] Enters the DOA (date of leaving) in the field using the format specified. The format uses standard date formatting, e.g. yyyy = year, MM = double digit year, dd = double digit day.
[FIRSTNAME] Enters firstname in the field
[FIRSTNAME,characters] Enters firstname in the field upto characters long.
[GENDER,format] Enters gender in the field. The value will be formatted based on format. format values are 0="M"/"F", 1="Male"/"Female"
[GROUPACCOUNTNAME] Enter the account name of the current group. NOTE: This is only available for actions when creating groups, i.e. before and after actions, and in the group email address format option.
[GROUPDISPLAYNAME] Enter the display name of the current group. NOTE: This is only available for actions when creating groups, i.e. before and after actions, and in the group email address format option.
[HOMEDIR] Enters home directory in the field
[ID] Enters the student's UPN or teacher's ID in the field. Schools only.
[LASTNAME] Enters lastname in the field
[LASTNAME,characters] Enters lastname in the field upto characters long.
[PASSWORD] Enters the password in the field
[RANDOMNUMBER] Enters a random number between 0 and 999,999
[RANDOMNUMBER,length] Enters a random number of the given length.
[SHARENAME] Enters the share name in the field
[STAFFINITIALS] Enters the staff initials in the field. Schools only and staff accounts only.
[TUTORGROUP] Enters the tutor group in the field
[UDF,field] Enters the UDF value of field in the field. For example, "[UDF,My UDF Field]"
[USERNAME] Enters the username in the field

NOTE: Tags are case sensitive.

These tags are only permitted in the following fields of the template:

  • Username
  • Name
  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Sharename
  • Username
  • Password
  • Profile
  • Logon script
  • Custom name
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Web page
  • Directory name of home directory
  • Terminal Services Profile Path
  • All custom attribute values


To specify a username to include a students tutor group, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new template and complete all necessary fields
  2. Select 'Custom' for username format
  3. Leave the Prefix empty
  4. Either select a 'custom' username format or select 'Custom' again to customise it even further
  5. Enter "[TUTORGROUP]" for Suffix

If the user was called "Jo Bloggs" and you selected initials only, i.e. "JB", and their tutor group is "9IT" then the username would be "JB9IT".